汇天成主要追求产品的先进性,汇天成蓄电池(中国)有限公司可靠性和环保性,采用国际内化成高新技术及生产工艺,实现了企业的环保理念。外化成和内化成区别在于:传统蓄电池主要通过化成槽进行充电,化成后变为熟极板,然后出槽,负极板在接触空气和清洗时会快速氧化,很难保证电池极板质量,并产生废水,对环境造成很大污染;内化成则采用特殊配方的生极板,装入电池槽内密封充电,极板既不会接触到空气也不会氧化,正负极板充电均衡,电池一直性好,寿命长,真正实现了优化生产,绿色电池的环保理念。汇天成蓄电池使用无污染排放的工艺标准,减少蓄电池的极板污染,同时产品质量也大大提高。 HTC mainly pursuits the products’ advanced, reliability and environmental protection, it adopted the inner production process, the advanced high-tech in International field, to achieve the its environmental philosophy. The difference between the inner-production and outer-production is: the traditional battery mainly be charged through the production slot, then they changed into processed plate and get out of the slot. The negative plate would be rapid oxidized when exposed to air and cleaned.It is difficult to ensure the quality of battery plates. And the produced wastewater would cause great pollution to the environment.
免维护无须补液Maintenance free and without liquid added
适应温度广(-15-45℃) wide range of adaptation temperature (-15-45℃)
设计寿命长(5-8年) long design life (5-8 years)
安全防爆 safety explosion-proof
无游离电解液,侧倒90°仍能使用 no free electrolyte and can be still useful when the side down of 90 °
内阻小,大电流放电性能好 Small internal resistance and good performance of high current discharge
自放电小 Small self-discharge
荷电出厂,使用方便 charged before they leave the factory and easy to use
独特配方,深放电恢复性能好 Unique formula and good performance of deep-discharge recovery 注意attention
额定容量(1C10小时率)为在25℃下所得的平均值,可以通过10次以上的充、放循环使用; Nominal capacity (1C10-hour rate) is obtained at 25℃on average, can accept more than 10 times of charge and discharge cycle use 安装使用 Installation and Usage 使用前,请检查蓄电池外观(有无漏酸,破裂)。 Before use, check battery skin (with seamless acid, rupture). 蓄电池的安装必须由人员来进行。 The battery must be installed by professionals. 在电池连接过程中,请戴好防护手套,使用扭矩扳手等金属工具时,请将金属工具进行绝缘包装以防触电汇天成蓄电池(中国)有限公司。禁止将金属工具同时接触到电池的正、负端子,造成电池短路。 In the course of the battery connection, wear protective gloves. When use a torque wrench and other metal tools, please insulation packaging to prevent electric shock. Prohibit access metal tools to the battery positive and negative terminals at same time. Otherwise cause the battery short circuit. 安装搬运电池时应均匀受力,受力处应为蓄电池壳的部分,避免损伤极柱。 The battery should be uniform force when Installation and carrying the battery. Force at the shell should be part of the battery shell to avoid damage the pole. 禁止将不同品牌,不同容量的蓄电池并联或串联使用;电池在多只串联使用时,请按电池标识“+”,“-”极柱依次排列,电池之间的距离不能少于15mm,且连接部位要紧固,防止产生火花或接触不良。Prohibit hybrid application of different brands and different capacity batteries in parallel or in series. Please put the battery in order of priority identified "+","-" pole when in a a multi-series usage. The space between batteries can not be less than 15mm and the connection parts must be tightened to prevent sparks or instable contact. 安装接插式端子的蓄电池时,请勿改变端子的形状和位置,如特殊情况需要,请与客户服务中心联系。 do not change the shape and location of terminals when Installing plug-in terminal of the battery. Please contact
customer service at special circumstances require. 汇天成蓄电池(中国)有限公司和外接设备连接之前,必须使设备处于断开状态,并再次检查蓄电池的连接极性是否正确,然后再将蓄电池(组)的正极连接设备的正极,蓄电池(组)的负极连接设备的负极端子,并紧固好连接线。 The device must be disconnected and check again the correct of battery polarity connection before connecting external devices. Then connect the positive cathode of the battery (group) to the positive cathode of devices, the negative anode to the negative cathode devices terminal, and tighten the cable.